About Sah Doh Kuk Sul

Sah Doh Kuk Sul, meaning "tribal national martial arts", is a systematic study of all of the traditional fighting arts, which together comprise the martial arts history of Korea. As a martial arts system, Kuk Sul is extremely well-organized; and seeks to integrate and explore the entire spectrum of established Asian fighting arts and body conditioning techniques, as well as mental development and traditional weapons training. The following list includes some of the elements of Kuk Sul

Hand Techniques

  • Closed and open hand striking methods, including: palm, fist, wrist, finger, and specialized hand training techniques
  • Pressure point striking
  • Striking with arm and shoulder
  • Blocking and parrying

Leg Techniques

  • Fundamental kicks, including: front, inside, outside, & more
  • Advanced kicks, including: jumping, spinning, combination, double leg
  • Pressure point kicking
  • Specialty kicking

Throws and Grappling

  • Throws include: body throws, projection throws, hip throws, leg throws
  • Pressure point grappling
  • Grappling defense
  • Wrestling techniques
  • Ground fighting

Joint Lock Techniques

  • Restraining methods
  • Joint breaking techniques
  • Combination joint locking
  • Control and redirection techniques
  • Arresting and pain-compliance techniques

Falling and Acrobatics

  • Body conditioning and agility techniques
  • Body protection techniques
  • Acrobatics for defense and offense

Body Conditioning

  • Overall stretching and flexibility training
  • Cardiovascular conditioning
  • Muscle toning
  • Ligament and tendon strengthening
  • Joint flexibility and bone condtioning

Animal-Style Techniques

Techniques based on the movements and/or characteristics of certail "martial" animals such as:

  • Tiger
  • Praying Mantis
  • Crane
  • Dragon
  • Snake
  • Bear
  • Eagle

Traditional Korean Weapons

There are 24 different traditional Korean Royal Court weapons in the curriculum of Kuk Sul

  • Sword: Short & Long, Single & Double, straight or inverted
  • Staff: Short, middle & long, single or double
  • Jointed Staff
  • Spear
  • Cane
  • Rope
  • Fan
  • Bow & Arrow

Martial Art Healing Methods

  • Acupressure
  • Acupuncture
  • Internal Energy Systems
  • Herbal Medicine

Meditation and Breathing

  • Various breath control techniques
  • Meditation and breathing postures
  • Concentration Techniques

As you can see, Sah Doh Kuk Sul covers an extensive variety of martial art techniques. Not merely concerned with methods of attack and defense, Kuk Sul also includes the study of healing techniques and the development of internal power, in addition to physical training. Mental development is of equal importance in Kuk Sul and helps to instill self-confidence and self-discipline, a calm self-assurance, and the psychological and spiritual values which are traditionally associated with the character of a martial artist.

Although Kuk Sul as it is practiced today is relatively new, its roots stretch far and deep to the very beginnings of the Korean people. This early history and the ancient traditions upon which this art is founded should be viewed as important as the physical techniques themselves, for it is only from the understanding and appreciation of these classical roots that one is able to grow as a student of the martial arts.